Multiplan Part 8 by Audrey Bucher
Posted by aznetcowboy on June 22 2015 21:12:52
One of the most useful features of Multiplan is Windows. It took me a long time to try this, but once I did, I don't know how I managed without them. I think it is somewhat difficult to try to clearly explain them in an article but I'll give it a try. I suggest though that you play around with then yourself. DOING is the best way to learn.
The command I use most often is the Window Split Title command. In a spreadsheet such as our Expenses for 1988, there are Titles both in the first row and in the first column. Once you move the cell pointer past the third column or the twentieth row, you can no longer see the Titles. You can 'fix' those Titles in place.
Place the cell pointer in the column to the right of the title column and in the row beneath the row which contains your Titles. Press W for window. You will see the following Command line:
WINDOW: Split Border Close Link
You mast to split the Titles from the figures so choose Split by pressing S or Enter. Now you see:
WINDOW SPLIT: Horiz Vertical Title.
Choose T for Title. You will now be presented with two fields.
WINDOW SPLIT TITLES:# of Rows:3 # of columns:1
Notice that MP proposes the correct response for the number of rows and columns to be split so you can just press Enter. When you use the Split Titles Command the windows are automatically linked so now you may move your cell pointer wherever you wish and the Titles will always be in sight. You probably will not use the windowing for Expenses for 1988 spreadsheet as this is filled in by the Xcopy Command. I merely used it as an example of a spreadsheet that has Titles in both the Rows and Columns.
But now let's look at our Checks for January spreadsheet. We had only put sixteen rows in our example to make it short. However, I'm sure you will have more than ten entries in any given month. Notice that when you move the cell pointer down past Row 20, you will lose the Column Titles. Even though we use the GoTo Name command to get to a particular column and I trust MP completely to go to the correct column, I still like to see the Title on the screen. So for this spreadsheet, I would use the Split Horiz Command. Again, place the cell pointer beneath the row which contains your Titles (in this case, row 4). Press W for window, S for split and H for horiz. You will see the following:
WINDOW SPLIT HORIZONTAL at Row:4 linked:yes (no)
Tab over to the next field and select Y to link the windows. Now whenever you scroll one of the windows horizontally, both windows scroll together. The active window is split horizontally. The area used by the given row and the rows below it becomes the new window. The area above the given row remains part of the original window. You may move your cell pointer between windows by using Control 6 (change window), which makes a different window the active window. Control 6 again will take you back to the original window.
Let's sum up the Window Split Command. You are given three choices. Window Split Horizontal splits the active window across the screen, giving two windows, one above the other. Window Split Vertical splits the active window between columms, one to the left of the other. Window Split Titles splits the screen both vertically and horizontally to display titles in separate windows. Up to eight windows say be opened using the Window Split Commands (if you can get them to fit and still show you anything).
To close a window, simply press W for Window and C for close. You will set the following:
WINDOW CLOSE window number:n
The active window is the proposed response.
Just a few words now about the remaining commands.
Window Border will draw a line around the active window that sets it off from the surrounding worksheet. Try this command to see what a bordered window looks like. A border takes up one screen position on each side of the window, reducing the area for the display of data by two screen lines and two screen columns. To remove a border use the same commands: W and C.
Last of all, the Window Link Command. This is used to change the link status of windows that are already split. Press W for Window and L for Link. MP proposes linking the active window with the window from which it was split, so just press Enter and tab over to the third field and press Y for yes or N for no, depending on which you would like. When windows are not linked, you can scroll them separately to view different parts of the worksheet simultaneously. However note that Windows split by the Window Split Titles Command cannot be unlinked.
I hope I have not totally confused you at this point. As I said in the beginning, it's not an easy subject to describe. TRY IT, I think you'll like it and if you have any questions just give me a call.