Spamming Attempt forces future member approval...(updated 7/26/15)
Posted by aznetcowboy on July 01 2015 18:03:09
Due to a spamming incident, anyone in the future who wants to join the OLUG will need Administration approval.
Extended News
There was a SPAMMING incident today (07/01/2015) in the Forum and I was forced to remove a number of posted messages from the Forum. This was from a person who did not fill out the registration form properly and then proceeded to post spam into the forum. Because of this, individuals who want to join our OLUG website will need to be approved by the OLUG Administrator. This is also one reason why not all parts of the OLUG are not open to non-Registered users.

The OLUG does not want to ban legitimate TI99ers from our website, however we do not want hackers and spammers getting access to our site. The current method will require the new member to fill out the registration form. The OLUG will send a message tot he new user which will require the new user to reply to. Then the Administrator will get notice of the new user and he will look at the user profile and if that is okay, the account will be activated.

This two, or three step process, depending on how you count, may to a little time as I do not live here on my PC and I have other things to take care of also. I will try to take care of the registration as soon as possible. Please have patience while awaiting for your account to be activated.