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30th European TI Treffen in Crewe (UK) - Updated July 10, 2015
Every year the TI users come together for the European TI Treffen. Since the first Treffen, organized in 1986 by the TI Club of Cologne (Germany) we meet in a different European town.

The 30th European TI Treffen will be held in the railway town of Crewe, in the county of Cheshire and will be organized by the TI-99 User Group of the United Kingdom (TIUGUK). Everyone is welcome, please reserve your room in Best Western Crewe Arms Hotel as soon as possible.

The meeting is this year again a three day event and starts on Friday, October 2 and ends on Sunday, October 4. We have a conference hall and rooms at the unique railway hotel "Best Western Crewe Arms Hotel in Crewe (Cheshire)" which has been completely renovated.

You can book directly at the hotel. Contact person is Racheal Bickerton, General Manager of the Best Western Crewe Arms Hotel. Enter the name of the event: "TEXAS INSTRUMENTS EUROPEAN TREFFEN" and the dates of the desired nights. The phone number of the hotel is +44 (0)1270213204. A credit or debit card is needed for the booking.
If you want to have more information about the meeting contact the Chairman of TIUGUK Trevor Stevens, on: +44 (0)7968370586 or e-mail If you want to know more about the meeting in Crewe contact David Caine on +44 (0)7752052117 or e-mail You can also go to the website of TIUGUK: then choose the category "Events" or click HERE.

For more detailed information about the Treffen (prices, program, restaurants, connections, hotel information and tourism) ask for a copy of the June 2015 newsletter of the TIUGUK in pdf format.

The Treffen
UPDATE AS OF 07/10/2015 courtesy of Berry Harmsen
The next European TI meeting will be held in the railroad town Crewe, in the county of Cheshire and the TI-99 groups of United Kingdom (TIUGUK) organized. Everyone is welcome, but your Room (in BW Crewe Arms Hotel) should be posted by mid-June 2015! The meeting is also this year a three day event and starts at Friday, October 2 and ends on Sunday, October 4. We have a Meeting facilities and rooms with a unique railway hotel ''BW Crewe Arms Hotel', which has been completely renovated this year.

Prices of rooms:
Single room (including breakfast) £ 40 per night / per person Double room (including breakfast) £ 30 per night / per person - Rooms are available for wheelchair users.

Prices for meals
Lunch (sandwiches and chips) on average £ 6.95 per person. À la carte lunch from £ 9.95 per person. TI dinner on Saturday evening at the hotel restaurant £ 16.95 per person
- There is a buffet, three-course dinner.

The meeting room
The Gladstone Hall stands us from Friday to Sunday evening 22 clock available. For demonstrations, there is a screen with the projector. The meeting room is closed during our respective absence.

Admission to the meeting:
The TIUGUK required per visitor an entry fee of £ 5.-. The TIUGUK won the event room free of charge under the Condition that at least 15 rooms rented for 3 nights from visitors be. If this criterion is not satisfied, the fee to a Maximum of £ 15.- be increased.

Calculation example
If you book the meeting for 3 nights in a single room, the cost between £ 141.95 and £ 151.95, consisting of: 3x £ 40.- (nights) + £ 16.95 (dinner) + £ 5.- or £ 15.- (access)

Crewe is from the airports of Manchester, Birmingham and (possibly) Liverpool easily accessible. The first two airports have their own Station, with direct links to Crewe. Trains run every 45 Minutes. The trip costs £ 25.- and takes about an hour. The BW Crewe Arms Hotel is located directly across from the entrance to the station Crewe. Motorists drive on the motorway M6 (London - Scotland) to Crewe. From Junction 17 and reach - about 5 miles on the A534 - the Roundabout east of the station Crewe. The BW Crewe Arms Hotel is immediately on the right side of the Nantwich Road, opposite the station.

Reservation and payment
You can book directly at the hotel. Contact person is Tracy Molyneaux, General Manager of BW Crewe Arms Hotel. Enter the name: 'TI meetings' and the Events at the desired nights. The phone number of the hotel Germany and Austria +44 1270213204th You can also by the Chairman of TIUGUK, Trevor Stevens, book: or phone +44 1623406133rd

Additional Information
Want to know more about the meeting? Please contact David Caine: or phone +44 1270661745th You can also go to the website of TIUGUK: and there on the category 'Events' ('events').

Program of the meeting
Below there is a preliminary program of the meeting. In the next Email of the TIUGUK comes the final schedule, with more information demonstrations, food and transportation.

Friday, October 2, 2015.
10:00 to 13:00 computer installation in the conference room
13:00 to 15:00 Lunch at the hotel
15:00 Official opening of the 30th European Meeting
19:00 to 22:00 Dinner (location will be determined later)
23:00 Closing of the first day

Saturday, October 3, 2015.
Breakfast at the hotel
10:00 to 13:00 demonstrations and contacts in the conference room
13:00 to 15:00 Lunch at the hotel and meeting of the club head.
15:00 to 18:00 More demonstrations.
16:00 to 17:00 auctioning of TI products
19:00 to 22:00 Dinner meeting at the hotel with the Edgar Awards Mauk
23:00 Closing of the second day

Sunday, October 4, 2015
Breakfast at the hotel
10:00 to 12:00 demonstrations and contacts event space
12:00 to 16:00 Visit of the 'Cold War Museum' in Nantwich.
19:00 to 22:00 Dinner and visit to the hotel bar
23:00 conclusion of the meeting, TI Crewe

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December 21 2017
I wish each and everyone one a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Santa

December 31 2016
Happy New Year all Smile

June 23 2016
Hi Mike, welcome Smile. There are still lots of TI99 users out there Smile

June 22 2016
Just wanted to say 'I'm glad I found you!' Pulled out my TI and have started to play with it again. I forgot how much fun it was. Wish there were more people out there still using it!

April 23 2016
Hello my fellow ti99ers, have a great weekend Smile

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