TI99ers Hall Of Fame

--- Governance Rules and Regulations ---

1 - Name
The name of the organization is "TI99ers Hall of Fame".

2 - Mission Statement
The goal of the TI99ers Hall of Fame (hereafter called TI99HOF) is to recognize the important, established and lasting contributions made by members of the TI99er community. This should help ensure that continuing members of the TI99er community remember how these inductees have contributed to the continuing enjoyment of this memorable 'classic' home computer.

3 - Operations Overview
a) Until the TI99HOF is formally launched the Organizing Committee shall serve as an Interim Board of Governors and may adopt these Rules and Regulations, induct the first nominees to the TI99HOF and carry out such other acts required to set up the TI99HOF on a sound basis.
b) TI99HOF activities shall be conducted by a Board of Governors (hereafter called BOG). The BOG shall consist of not more than fifteen members and not less than nine members. If the number of members of the Board falls below nine, see Suspension and Disbanding procedures.
c) The BOG shall annually elect a management committee from its membership to carry out the ongoing management activities of the TI99HOF.
d) The TI99HOF shall be a virtual Hall of Fame located on a web site (http://www.ti99hof.org) maintained by the management committee.
e) Any member of the TI99er community may nominate individuals or organizations for induction into the TI99HOF.
f) Induction into the TI99HOF shall be by secret vote of members of the BOG to be held at such time deemed appropriate by the management committee considering the number of nominations received.
g) All discussions by members of the Board of Governors shall be conducted by an exchange of email messages using the TI99HOF website's List Server. These messages will be archived and serve as a record of proceedings and will be available only to current members of the BOG.
h) The members of the management committee shall prepare an annual report of the year's activities of the TI99HOF, which shall be made available to the TI99er community in an appropriate fashion.
i) The BOG is not restricted to operating the TI99HOF, but may conduct any ancillary activities which promote friendship and the exchange of information among the TI99er community.

4 - Board of Governors
a) Members of the BOG shall be selected from members of the TI99er community who volunteer to serve. The management committee shall maintain a listing of volunteers in chronological order.
b) The names of the first nine volunteers shall constitute the first Board of Governors. The names of volunteers, which follow the names of those who have been selected to serve on the first BOG, shall constitute a "waiting" list from which vacancies on the BOG and future members of the BOG shall be selected. Those names selected to serve on the BOG shall be removed from the volunteer "waiting" list.
c) A member of the BOG is selected to serve for a three year term (except see item 4(d) below) and may only be removed by a special vote of the BOG.
d) In order to facilitate a rotation of the members of the BOG, one-third of the first BOG shall serve for only one year and another one-third of the first BOG shall serve for two years. These members should be identified after the first year's operation of the TI99HOF by first calling for those who wish to retire and if an insufficient number is identified selection is to be at random from the remaining members. These members may volunteer to be included in future selections and their name will be added to the end of the volunteer "waiting" list.The Webmaster may be exempted from this required rotation.

5 - Management Committee
a) The management committee shall conduct the ongoing affairs as required to process nominations received for election to the TI99HOF. Generally decisions of the management committee should be by consensus and if a formal vote is required it will require a simple majority of the votes cast.
b) Once elected the management committee should allocate responsibility for the following positions:
  1. A Chairperson to provide leadership.
  2. A Treasurer to receive funds, pay expenses and provide an accounting for financial transactions.
  3. A Webmaster to oversee the operation of the website.
  4. Two or three people to review nominations submitted to the TI99HOF, correspond with the nominator, if necessary, and contact nominees or representatives following a positive vote for induction by the BOG.
  5. Although appointed to a specific position all members of the management committee should make themselves available to help where needed.
c) The term of membership on the management committee is for one year, however any members may stand for re-election as long as they are still a member of the BOG.

6 - Selection and Induction Procedures
a) The Management Committee shall invite nominations to the TI99HOF from members of the TI99er community. The nominator may include a preliminary biography of the nominee in a form, which might serve as the final published biography but as a minimum should include a brief summary of the nominee's accomplishments. These accomplishments should have provided benefits to the TI community over a period of at least three years. Upon receipt of a nomination the details will be circulated to the members of the BOG for a period of at least two weeks in order to provide a period for discussion. Thereafter the name of the nominee will be circulated to members of the BOG for consideration at the next vote for induction to the TI99HOF. The person nominated or an appropriate representative should be contacted to confirm the conditional election of the nominee and to solicit a suitable biography of the nominee for posting to the TI99HOF website. Members of the Management Committee may correspond with the nominee and/or nominator to make suggestions, which might improve the contents of the biography.
b) At least one election per year to the TI99HOF should be held provided there are any nominations to be considered. Only the names of successful candidates shall be released.
c) After acceptance of a suitable biography, the person to be inducted or an appropriate representative should be contacted to confirm the time and place of presentation of the award and the contents of the biography, which will appear on the TI99HOF web site. Formal anouncement of the name of the inductee should not be made before the posting of the biography
d) Every effort should be made to ensure that presentation of the certificate of award is made by a member of the TI99er community at a TI99er event such as a faire, club meeting, or informal gathering of a small group of TI99ers.

7 - Amending Governance Rules and Regulations
a) Changes to these governance rules and regulations may only be authorized by a special secret vote of the BOG called at the request of at least four members.

8 - Voting Procedures
a) All voting by the BOG shall be in secret and may, as decided by the management committee, use either of the following voting methods:
  1. The vote shall be done using the TI99HOF Forum. The forum will have a "poll" for each required vote. Each member may only cast one vote (which is controlled by the forum software) and a running tally of the votes will be immediately available to members of the BOG. The polling section of the Forum will be private and only available to members of the BOG.
  2. The management committee will appoint a scrutineer to receive votes who is not a member of the BOG. The scrutineer will count the votes and announce the results to the BOG.
  3. The results of the vote shall be guided by the following rules:
  1. A nominee will be admitted to the TI99HOF unless more than 20% of the total membership of the Board of Governors vote against such admission.
  2. A simple majority of the votes cast is required for election to the management committee. No vote is required unless more than the required number of nominations for any one office is received.
  3. At least two-thirds of the votes cast is needed in order to remove a member of the Board of Governors.
  4. At least two-thirds of the votes cast is needed in order to adopt any proposed changes to these Rules and Regulations.
  5. A simple majority of the votes cast will be required to approve any activity not specified above.
  6. A vote is only valid if more than one half of the members of the BOG have voted.
b) The BOG may also adopt other methods of recording votes provided that the principal elements described above are maintained.
c) A nominee may be reconsidered for induction to the TI99HOF under the following conditions:
  1. All requests to submit a nomination of a previously defeated nominee require the approval of the management committee before being permitted to continue. The submission of a nomination document of a previously defeated nominee will also be considered to be a request for approval to continue with the nomination process.
  2. The first such request to grant approval to continue may not be held until at least six months have passed since the date of the original vote to induct the nominee.
  3. Any subsequent request to grant approval to continue with the nomination of the same previously defeated nominee may not be held until at least one year has passed since the previous request was made.

9 - Suspension and Disbanding
a) In order to ensure continuing support from the TI99er community the operations of the TI99HOF will be temporarily suspended if the number of members of the BOG falls below nine. During this period of temporary suspension the only activity that may be conducted by the BOG is to seek volunteers to serve as members of the BOG.
b) After a period of three months of continuous temporary suspension the operations of the TI99HOF shall cease. Operations may then be turned over to any other group willing to continue the TI99HOF. Failing in that, any remaining assets shall be liquidated and first applied to paying creditors and then the remaining balance (if any) donated to an appropriate charity as selected by a majority of the votes cast by the remaining members of the BOG.


Originally adopted by the TI99ers Hall Of Fame Board of Governors, March 7, 2004

Last Modified December 23, 2010