Jim Peterson
Tigercub Software
Jim Peterson, a self-taught, gifted and prolific programmer in both TI Basic and Extended Basic, authored hundreds of programs during the early years of the TI-99/4A. Many will remember reading his 43 Tips from the Tigercub, which appeared in user group newsletters worldwide. Also remembered, were his advertisements for Tigercub Software that regularly appeared in MICROpendium magazine for the TI-99/4A. His interest in programming covered many areas including games, utilities (Especially those for controlling the printer.) and music. Jim wrote special musical applications for Mike Maksimik's MIDI Master 99. He was particularly fascinated by mind-bogglers and brain games. Many of which he produced and sold. One of his most notable products was the 3-disk set of Nuts and Bolts. These were valuable utility routines, still used by many TI’ers, which could be merged with Extended Basic programs.
In addition to his own programming efforts, Jim also collected many programs written by others. Which he classified by subject and cataloged. Jim offered this collection to the TI community at nominal copying costs after obtaining permission from the original authors. This 600-disk collection continues to be a very valuable resource for the TI community.
Jim was an active participant in and supporter of the Central Ohio Ninety Niners (C.O.N.N.I.) user group. He often discussed programming options and news from the TI world with the members. Jim corresponded extensively with other programmers and user groups as well as exchanging newsletters with many of the user groups. He was always ready to teach a class, provide a demo, or in any way possible be of help to the group. In this, Jim exemplified the values of sharing and participation in the TI community.
Jim, born in 1924 in northern Minnesota, served with the U.S. Occupation Army in Japan at the conclusion of World War II. After being awarded an honorable discharge, Jim continued his service as a civilian employee of the U.S. Army in Japan between 1946 and 1959, living in Tokyo. Jim returned to the United States, and was employed by the U.S. Civil Service in Minnesota and in Ohio from which he eventually retired. James Warren Peterson died on the morning of January 12, 1994.
Although Jim was not a member of the TI-Chips user group, in February of 1996 the TI-Chips voted unanimously to sponsor the Jim Peterson Achievement Awards in his honor. These annual awards are presented in memory of Jim’s dedication and service to TI99ers everywhere.
Inducted to the TI99ers Hall of Fame on March 7, 2004