R. Arthur Green (Art)
TI Assembly Software Author

photo of art green

Art Green from Ottawa, Canada is a professional programmer who has made significant contributions in the field of TI assembly software. One distinguishing feature of the various programs which he has written is the extensive detailed documentation which accompany these programs. The significant programs which he has written for the TI community are:

Most of these programs were distributed under the name of RAG Software and often contained features which set them apart from other similar programs, such as user friendly input areas and displays of the activities being performed. His AEMS Program Linker program is of particular benefit to programmers because it facilitates using overlays to utilize the extended memory capabilities of the SAMS card.

As a member of the Ottawa TI99/4A User's Group he supplied 'Assembly Help' to the members for a number of years, wrote a series of articles entitled "A Look at Assembler Language" for their newsletter and has also written articles for MICROpendium and other publications.

Art grew up in in Woodstock, New Brunswick and studied Civil Engineering at Acadia University and Nova Scotia Technical College (now part of Dalhousie University) in Nova Scotia. His interest in computers started when he took a single computer course at Tech on their brand new computer, a Royal McBee LGP 30 that had a drum memory with 4096 32-bit words. Last summer he took his grandkids to the Canadian Museum Of Science and Technology in Ottawa and the oldest computer they had on display was the same model that he had started with at Tech!

Inducted into the TI99ers Hall of Fame on March 7, 2004