In this article, we are going to concentrate on the Print Command. One word of caution, be sure you recalculate your spreadsheet before printing. If you are saving the spreadsheet, Multiplan will automatically recalculate if you have made any entries, but this is not true with the Print command. There are four subcommands under Print...Printer, File, Margins and Options. Printer will begin printing if printer is turned on. File is used to print the record to disk. This may then be loaded into TI Writer and edited or included in a document.
The other two subcommands are the ones you will mostly be dealing with. I usually set the Options first. The command line when you select O is as follows:
I usually change the area to print only the rows and columns that my spreadsheet occupies. For instance, R1:16C1:11 in our sample check balance sheet. When the sheet is saved, the changes are saved with it. On some of my spreadsheets that are quite lengthy, I usually only print the bottom four lines that give at totals at various times during the month and then at the end of the month, I will print the entire sheet to have a copy of the month's activities. Another option to enter in the area section is a Name. This would be used to print only a specific part of your worksheet that you have named. (More about that next month)
In the setup area you will put your printer configuration. Ex. I use PIO here.
The defaults for printing the formulas and row column numbers are both No. However if there is a reason you would like to have them printed, just change these to Y. If you choose to print formulas, the listing will display the actual formulas that appear in each cell, rather than the calculated values of the formulas as it normally would. This feature is useful when you want a record of the logic behind the worksheet. Column widths are doubled when formulas is set to Yes. Next, I usually set the Margins. When choosing M, the command line will be as follows:
The left margin and top margin are given as number of characters, the print length and page length are given in number of lines. You may change these defaults to anything you like in order to center your printout on the page if you choose.
Multiplan will print as many columns across the page as will fit within the margins you set. Any columns left over will be printed on a second page with row and column numbers continued. This method of printing permits you to cut and attach the printed pages to form a worksheet with the same dimensions you set up on the screen. Most of my spreadsheets have at least 15 columns in them and I prefer to print them all on one sheet of paper, so I use condensed print. I use the TIMP Print program by Jack and BJ Mathis that allows you to set printer controls from within Multiplan using the external copy command. It is a Fairware program and is in our library. It has files for many different kinds of printers, select the one that applies to your printer and copy it to your MP disk so it can be accessed.
Because I use condensed print, I set my width to 132. Again, I usually adjust my print length and page length to suit the particular spreadsheet that I as working with at the time. Saves the printer from putting a lot of blank lines on the paper if it is a short spread sheet.
Now that you have all the margins and options set, just hit P for print and the printer will start to hum away. If you wish to cancel printing just hit FCTN 4 (Print Cancel). During printing, the Print Cancel key is the only key that is functional and it is only effective while 'PRINT on printer' is displayed on the command line. If the printing is canceled, MP will display the 'Printer error' message.
Next month we'll talk about the Name command. Any questions, feel free to call.
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Just wanted to say 'I'm glad I found you!' Pulled out my TI and have started to play with it again. I forgot how much fun it was. Wish there were more people out there still using it!